Where in the World are We


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sail.
Explore. Dream. Discover"      
Mark Twain

"“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret”
- Oscar Wilde"      

About Us

Welcome to Where in the World are We, a travel blog for us to share our experiences, adventures, insights, photos and learnings. We’re Paul and Sue, early retirees looking to travel the world and live an international lifestyle while stretching our retirement finances just that little bit further. This isn’t just a whim it’s been in the planning for over 10 years.
Since being together we’ve lived life with the motto of “Less is More”. Less for us today has meant the sale of our home, furniture and most of our possessions in order to free us up to just go and not have distractions back in the country we ultimately call home. Sue says it’s just stuff and she is right, however Paul has struggled a bit as, at times, it is confronting. Though while confronting it is also freeing, a paradox in thinking I believe.
Since being together we’ve loved to travel and have had some great adventures.  One thing we love about international travel is the experience of different cultures and the food it provides. Recently our travels have taken us to Europe, Africa, China and Central America, all places we plan to revisit. In between trips we’ve had the occasional quick overseas trip to Bali, 5 times in fact. This has always been a place that we go for that quick cheap holiday as it is accessible to Australia. We always find it fascinating that when leaving the Eastern Seaboard of Australia (ie Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne) it takes up to 5 hours flying time just to clear our northern boarders.
We hope that we can motivate like-minded people with a passion for travel to make that initial step. Hopefully you can build upon our experiences and go on an adventure too. This blog hopefully will encourage you, inspire you inform you and empower you to make that next step. It’s also so the kids can see how we’re spending their inheritance….lol.
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Contact us: email: paulandsue@whereintheworldarewe.net;